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#1 2010-03-16 21:51:59
IE9 Platform PreviewI was just wondering if you had thought about adding the IE9 Preview to IETester. It is a standalone download, incase you were thinking you may. It doesn't come with an address bar either which makes testing a little difficult, although you can use Page -> Open. Anyway, just curious... no rush :-D Offline #2 2010-03-17 02:50:20
Re: IE9 Platform PreviewI was about to say something about it too... Offline #3 2010-03-17 21:57:32
Re: IE9 Platform PreviewHi, Offline #4 2010-03-19 08:10:20
Re: IE9 Platform PreviewThinking about IE9.... I don't think adding the ddl into IETester installer is a good idea because of legal issues. Offline #5 2010-03-19 20:55:20
Re: IE9 Platform PreviewThat sounds great! I don't mind a little manual copying if I can use the address bar. That way out weighs any cons. Thanks :-D Offline #6 2010-03-19 21:03:00
Re: IE9 Platform PreviewSeems good. Maybe it would just need you to add a toolbar button that's activated when the files are available. Offline #7 2010-04-21 14:22:16
Re: IE9 Platform PreviewSweet... thanks so much. One thing that isn't a big deal, but it says "New IE8" under the IE9 icon. Other than that, everything seems to work good and it's easy to configure. Thanks again! Offline #8 2010-04-21 14:26:36
Re: IE9 Platform PreviewThanks. Offline #9 2010-04-21 18:28:28
Re: IE9 Platform PreviewHm, that's really strange. I don't have this problem on my side.... Offline #10 2010-04-22 10:13:10
Re: IE9 Platform PreviewIt is working well under vista. It would be nice if it would work under xp too; now it crashes because of an unknown reason. Offline #11 2010-04-22 10:40:19
Re: IE9 Platform PreviewRght. I think some default entries are missing. I'll correct this in the next release. Offline |