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#1 2009-03-24 13:52:41

New member

IE Tester for MacOSX

Hi There,

This is a really powerfull and helpfull tool for all the Webdevelopers!
It would be nice to have to tool also running on a MAC....there are no IE versions at all available there.....
Do you think this could be possible someday?
Beste regards



#2 2009-03-24 13:56:13

DebugBar Support

Re: IE Tester for MacOSX

Do you think this could be possible someday?

I don't know. I will try to make it work under wine, so it may work under MacOS using wine.



#3 2009-03-24 13:56:32


Re: IE Tester for MacOSX

Maybe if you run it inside some virtual machine...
or using Wine...

Last edited by Ricardo (2009-03-24 13:56:56)



#4 2009-06-07 00:05:15

New member

Re: IE Tester for MacOSX

Wow, Talk about a great business model. Did your founder ever go to business school? I mean why not break into a market that has no alternative? Support Mac and you will see your sales jump through the roof! I would bet my life on it.



#5 2009-08-11 09:01:51

New member

Re: IE Tester for MacOSX

It seems odd that us mac users are desperate to see our carefully crafted standards compliant work, shagged up without having to go near a pc. But its true, we need to know how the majority of our clients view our work in order to hack it to pieces to make it work in that disgrace to mankind they call i.e. Please help us, we are intel now. We will pay, Mac users have money and are willing to part with it for superior product.



#6 2009-08-21 05:27:04

New member

Re: IE Tester for MacOSX

Please don't be discouraged by people like layer3 who offer insights from an entitled, unappreciative peanut gallery. I work on a Mac too, and I shelled out the money for Parallels so I can test on Windows without having to buy another machine. Rather than hassle you impatiently for a Mac-native app, I'd like to say thanks for making something incredibly useful! I don't care what the hell your business model is -- I'm thrilled to be testing easily and in one place!



#7 2010-01-03 15:45:27

New member

Re: IE Tester for MacOSX

I also uses IETester on XP with VirtualBox in Macbook Intel (it is free software and works great! the link is, and i feel even if the developer made an port for mac, i dont think it will display properly due to mac's "cleaner" fonts. as that i noticed that wincows intend to have a bit pixilized fonts than mac. so for me in my option, i would pefer to use virtualbox with real XP than wine or macOS ported.

btw great work with IE Tester, it kept me from going insane! and still amaze me that there are still so many people still using IE 6 and are actually stubborn to update it! keep up with great work! thanks!



#8 2010-07-31 19:03:01

New member

Re: IE Tester for MacOSX

i would just like to say that this thing saved my ass last night and i am also a mac user.  i have just finished making a site that will get 100,000+ traffic in the next 6 months, no problem and it's really frustrating when you have a huge client, are getting paid very well to do something, have limited access to pcs and you find it has issues on ie @ midnight on the day that it drops... and they find them.  luckily my friend let me use his pc.  i was already checking on pc but had not gotten a chance to check it for ie over the past 3 days and figured my code was solid... it was, but there were a couple of unforeseen bugs that i had not seen yet.

i know you will say, get a pc or run parallels, but the fact is, i ultimately prefer to work under aqua and i am happy using my powerbook g4.  it's doing just fine for me right now.  getting a macbook pro is on my list, but that will take two of these kinds of jobs (not likely to happen right now) at once with life weighing me down as well.  i am sure that many others feel the same way.  i can also buy that laptop for $200, but please consider the times that i wouldn't have that available because i am mobile.  please don't mistake a feature request for someone having a sense of entitlement or sweepingly over-generalize a target audience.

i think layer3 might just be frustrated like many other mac users that feel cross-platform development resistance from the pc camp and have no way to check the multiple versions of ie that have surfaced over the years.  the fact is, this could be a very big product for mac users... hell, you could even charge for it if you don't want to develop... i would very easily pay $30 for something like this on a mac. smile

Last edited by ebedesign (2010-07-31 19:17:35)



#9 2010-11-23 11:20:56

New member

Re: IE Tester for MacOSX

Well i have mac book pro, parallels and IE tester... What bugs me the most is time it takes to fire up Win and how the whole thing slows my computer down...

Being busy and having little patience i have concluded i would gladly invest in program such as this one... And by taking a look at number of views that this topic has (more than 10 000) i can safely say there are plenty others who would do the same...

If you are worried about sales of this product, what i would suggest is to put up a "donation pot" and when pot rises to well... you decide... you start to program App for Mac...

Im pretty sure there are people who would spare couple of $ on "blind investment" cause this is a must have product for every web developer who cares about his work.

There are plenty of things that will also go in your favor... one o them is Microsoft and their ability to produce shitty software... no worries, they wan't fail us... EVER! big_smile



#10 2010-11-23 12:30:23

DebugBar Support

Re: IE Tester for MacOSX


It is more complex than just deciding to implement IETester for Mac.
For technically I'm not even sure it's possible to implement IETester for Mac correctly.

Then for legal reasons, IETester can be considered as an illegal software. So, just for this second point, Microsoft could decide to "shutdown" IETester at any time if they decide to sue me, which would be very bad :-(
