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#1 2012-12-28 22:01:23
Open IETester without any menus?Is it possible to open IETester without any menus from a command prompt? Offline #2 2012-12-29 02:01:16
Re: Open IETester without any menus?Hi, Offline #3 2012-12-31 15:29:28
Re: Open IETester without any menus?Thank you for your reply. I did see that page and am currently using that method to open an application in IE6 mode. Truly liking what I am seeing with this because it is simple and lightweight, it works and by your description it is free. My dilemma is that I have a web app that only functions in IE6, and IE itself does a horrible job in compatibility mode. Currently we are using Citrix as a work around, but it is fairly costly and heavy on resources. So, yes I would like to use IETester in a different manner than intended, what I was looking for is some kind of almost kiosk mode so end users don’t see a bunch of buttons they do not need to worry about. Offline #4 2012-12-31 16:03:15
Re: Open IETester without any menus?Short of being able to open IETester in a kiosk mode or without any menus, are your dlls open to utilize in Visual Studio? In short would I be able to make an IE6 browser with your dlls? If either of these are a posibility, please let me know. Thank you and keep up the awesome work! Offline #5 2013-01-02 19:18:12
Re: Open IETester without any menus?Hi, Offline #6 2013-01-02 19:19:11
Re: Open IETester without any menus?Please do keep me posted. Thank you for your response. Offline #7 2013-02-11 18:55:05
Re: Open IETester without any menus?IETester.exe -ie6 -hideribbon "MyURL" command line in the latest version 0.5 completely satisfies my request. Thank you very much for your time and effort on this. Offline |