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#1 2011-11-15 14:01:37
Can't type in <input> fields, IE5.5, IE6 & IE7Hi! Last edited by CJ Dennis (2011-11-15 14:05:38) Offline #2 2012-06-13 15:41:14
Re: Can't type in <input> fields, IE5.5, IE6 & IE7I'm having the same issue described above. Offline #3 2013-02-04 19:18:20
Re: Can't type in <input> fields, IE5.5, IE6 & IE7This problem still persists today in IETester version 0.4.12 Offline #4 2013-02-05 07:08:47
Re: Can't type in <input> fields, IE5.5, IE6 & IE7Unfortunately, I can't reproduce this problem, and there is no problem for sure to enter text into an input field. Offline #5 2013-08-19 16:57:18
Re: Can't type in <input> fields, IE5.5, IE6 & IE7Just wanted to point out I am having the same issue and am also running a 64-bit version of Windows 7 Ultimate. The common denominator between non-working instances seems to be 64 vs. 32-bit OS. I just wanted to point that out. Thanks! Offline |